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A Level in History

Cantrbury college main entrance

Course overview

This is a course which gives both an insight into the past and develops deductive reasoning, analytical and extended prose composition skills.

History is a subject that can be helpful to any student and can usefully be studied in combination with many subjects. Exam questions come in the form of either essays where a student must argue a case for or against a key historical issue or questions address the historical skills of source analysis and historical interpretation. In the second A Level year, students will complete an extended study in the form of coursework.

Course information

The Early Modern course follows the most dynamic and colourful period in history when the world was in a constant state of change and development from the medieval period to the beginnings of the modern world. The early modern era also benefits from some of the most dynamic personalities you will find anywhere in history. If you like good stories filled with extraordinary people, then this is the course for you. You will be learning about the Wars of the Roses and Henry VII (the first Tudor monarch), the German Reformation and the rule of Charles V, Martin Luther who single-handedly changed the world and the ascendancy of France with colourful characters such as Cardinal Richelieu.

Progression onto Year Two

Progression to the second year of this A Level course will be dependent on having made satisfactory progress in the first year of the course, including achieving at least an E grade in a formal late spring assessment, as well as the maintenance of a good level of attendance and commitment throughout the year.